

撮影 加藤健




Diagram for Metamorphose

pencil, colour pencil on wall.
dimension variable

photo by Ken Kato

When the system changes its construction entirely, it is called metamorphosis, like plant and insect metamorphosis. That is to "become something else while being one"(Hideo Kawamoto).
Also the knowledge and experience metamorphose. What situation would that be?

For example, let us recall the first time that we practiced to ride a bicycle. We tried different actions over and over with errors and trials, and the body rapidly learned the formation. In the next moment, we were able to ride a bicycle. But we do not know how we did that, only the body knows. The self that could not ride does not exist any longer, and it has become a new self.
The concept of this diagram is how we can bring out and formalize this metamorphosis of experience.

"Metamorphosis" is composed of a maze and lines that trace the maze. The paths of maze cannot be joined but can diverge. The tracing lines can be in a state of three colours. When it comes to a diverging point, the state of the colour will change: Red to red and green, green to green and yellow, yellow to yellow and red. This rule is constantly fixed. However there is a time that the situation will change drastically in the same fixed rule, which is the "metamorphosis". In this diagram, the metamorphosis is produced by the maze that forms meta-unit.